Global system launch 90 countries (pharma)

Spearheaded the deployment of a new global commercial materials approval system for a large pharmaceutical company. Led the global project to consolidate four regional PromoMats instances into a standardized global platform, to serve as the singular source of truth for commercial content approval across 90 countries. The outcome transcended geographical boundaries, reshaping the fabric of a large pharma’s content operating model on a global scale.

In the pursuit of coherence and efficiency, the project harmonized enterprise taxonomy and meticulously evaluated copy approval workflows to ensure consistency and streamline processes. Collaborating closely with stakeholders, we orchestrated seamless integration and minimized business disruption, navigating project phases with the support of third-party technical and business change vendors.

Drawing on insights gathered from affiliates and global functions, including Commercial, Medical, Ethics & Compliance, the project meticulously curated global business requirements, leaving no use case unaddressed. As guardians of Astellas' digital transformation ambitions, we charted the platform roadmap, delving into research on emerging trends and best practices to drive our strategies for enhanced efficiency.

Provided leadership and oversight on system and data governance, ensuring the highest standards of quality and compliance. We sought innovative solutions to pilot and trial, driving tangible business impact.

In a testament to our collaborative spirit, we partnered closely with internal IT to ensure technical feasibility for future enhancements and integrations. Together with the Global Capability Area teams, we co-led global omnichannel operations initiatives, forging alliances that transcended functional boundaries.

Hand in hand with Commercial Divisions and Strategic Brand Marketing, we ensured that the new global PromoMats platform played a pivotal role in content operation and approval efficiency, navigating the intricate landscape of medical, legal, and regulatory review with precision. Our commitment to excellence was unwavering as we shaped the future of commercial content approval and delivery for this large pharmaceutical company.


Deploy tier-based risk methodology 90 markets (pharma)